1. What should I do if I suspect elder abuse in a long-term care facility?
- If you suspect abuse in a long-term care facility, contact our office at 530-229-1435 to report your concerns. If there is suspected abuse in a private home, please contact Adult Protective Services.
2. What is elder abuse?
- Elder abuse is any knowing, intentional, or negligent act that causes harm or serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult. Abuse may be in the form of Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation, Emotional Abuse, Abandonment and Self Neglect.
3. Who is a mandated reporter?
- CA W&I Codes 15630 states: (a) Any person who has assumed full or intermittent responsibility for the care or custody of an elder or dependent adult, whether or not he or she receives compensation, including administrators, supervisors, and any licensed staff of a public or private facility that provides care or services for elder or dependent adults, or any elder or dependent adult care custodian, health practitioner, clergy member, or employee of a county adult protective services agency or a local law enforcement agency, is a mandated reporter. Any mandated reporter who, in his or her professional capacity, or within the scope of his or her employment, has observed or has knowledge of an incident that reasonably appears to be physical abuse, as defined in Section 15610.63, abandonment, abduction, isolation, financial abuse, or neglect, or is told by an elder or dependent adult that he or she has experienced behavior, including an act or omission, constituting physical abuse, as defined in Section 15610.63, abandonment, abduction, isolation, financial abuse, or neglect, or reasonably suspects that abuse, shall report the known or suspected instance of abuse by telephone or through a confidential Internet reporting tool, as authorized by Section 15658, immediately or as soon as practicably possible. If reported by telephone, a written report shall be sent, or an Internet report shall be made through the confidential Internet reporting tool established in Section 15658, within two working days.
4. Does the Long-Term Care Ombudsman provide Mandated Reporter Training?
- Yes, we do, please contact our office to schedule the training at your facility.
5. How do I find information on Long-term care facility options in my area?
- Ombudsman cannot assist with finding placement, but we can assist individuals, their family, and friends with information regarding the long-term care system including connecting them with local resources that are available.
6. What is a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)?
- A Skilled Nursing Facility provides residents with access to 24-hour skilled nursing care, physical, occupational, and speech therapy. SNF stays can be short term, or long term for those individuals who require on going care.
7. What is a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE)?
- Residential Care Facility (Assisted Living) provides non-medical care and supervision for persons who may need assistance with Activities of Daily Living.
RCFEs range in size from small facilities with six residents to large, assisted living facilities with fifty or more beds.